Why Choose Dorbar?

1. Getting to Know You
The first step is an Organizational Assessment. We will ask questions that will help us understand your company structure, your business objectives, compensation philosophy and current challenges. These details are essential in understanding the unique requirements of your organization and your workforce.

2. HR Matters
An Administrative Audit gives us a snapshot of how your company handles Human Resources benefit related issues, such as new hires, salaries, terminations, maternity leave, severance and life changes. Dorbar will help identify any inefficiencies, and implement clearly defined processes that will save time, avoid administrative errors, and reduce the potential for lawsuits.

3. Dollars and Cents
A Financial Audit is undertaken to examine the cost of benefit plans, pricing formulas and funding arrangements to find potential cost saving opportunities. We will compile information that will help you make the right decision from a financial standpoint. Our audit includes an analysis of premiums and claims, administrative expenses, inflation factors, cost sharing and executive compensation.

4. Reporting
After evaluating the unique features of your company, Dorbar will present our Findings and Analysis. Recommendations will be made on plan design, funding options, cost containment strategies and wellness initiatives. For Retirement Plans, we will recommend cost saving strategies, performance benchmarking, adherence to Capital Accumulation Plan Guidelines and the need for a Pension Committee.

5. Action Plan
Dorbar will roll-out a plan to Install your Group Benefits Program and/or Retirement Plan, and provide an Ongoing Service Commitment. Dorbar will provide communications support, contract interpretation and keep you apprised of product innovation and applicable legislative changes. We also monitor your plan before the annual renewal to keep you apprised of potential increases. We are happy to provide support should you encounter any customer service difficulties with an insurance carrier.